Romance Collection

Utensil Crock-Egghunt
Utensil Crock-Romance
Utensil Crock-Shamrock
Utensil Crock- Frosty Forest White
Utensil Crock- Elf
Utensil Crock- Floral Lace Blue
Utensil Crock- Floral Lace Cranberry
Utensil Crock- Floral Lace Red
Utensil Crock- Old World Confetti
Created for all those who love temp-tations and gathering with friends and family around the table, the whimsical Romance pattern incorporates hearts and roses in a beautiful array of pinks and reds.
So spread a little love in your kitchen and your home in an effortless, affordable, and stylish way... on Valentine's Day or any day!